Turnover: 68 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

Company founded in 1987 and considered one of the European leaders in vibro-acoustic expertise. Originally specialized in the revision of installations or the correction of bad designs, the company has developed a competence in modeling and calculation in order to position itself upstream of the problems

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Its main growth driver remains internationalisation, which began in Germany and is now focused on Asia, with a presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, etc.

Financial Data

DUNS: 339896821

Legal Name: VIBRATEC

Address: 28 CHE DU PETIT BOIS , 69130 ECULLY

Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2018)

Capital: 484 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year Turnover (€) Net Profit (€) Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year Duration
2019 8 065 038 EUR -31 552 EUR 31/12/2019 12
2018 7 974 826 EUR 639 484 EUR 31/12/2018 12
2017 8 098 122 EUR 147 772 EUR 31/12/2017 12
2016 7 206 969 EUR 532 482 EUR 31/12/2016 12
2015 6 197 595 EUR 339 078 EUR 31/12/2015 12

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Jean-Paul KOVALEVSKY 68