Turnover: ()

Country: France

Start up, Publicly traded healthcare research and development company


Valbiotis clinically validates the first anti-diabetic dietary supplement 17/09/2023

  • Valbiotis has been developing a natural plant-based product for type 2 diabetes called Totum.63 for ten years.
  • The company was founded in La Rochelle in 2014.
  • Diabetes affects 537 million people worldwide, with 900 million pre-diabetics (International Diabetes Federation estimates in 2021).
  • Valbiotis has invested €50 million in R&D to develop Totum.63.
  • In 2020, the company signed a worldwide licensing agreement with Nestlé Health Science (NHS).
  • NHS is to pay Valbiotis a lump sum of 4 million euros, bringing total payments to 7.5 million out of a potential 66 million, depending on commercial performance.
  • The company is completing its study and preparing to launch its product in 2024.
  • The company employs 50 people

Valbiotis regains control of its plant-based dietary supplements 25/10/2022

  • Plant-based dietary supplements since 2014
  • High-potential market: 250 billion worldwide by 2025, with annual growth of 9.6

Financial Data

DUNS: 800297194



Number of employees: Entre 20 et 49 salariés (2020)

Capital: 974 386 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2018 2017 2016
Turnover - 88 810 2 657 -
Gross margin (€) 451 511 208 897 157 641 251 461
EBITDA (€) -9 007 131 -5 692 357 -2 771 853 -932 492
Operating profit (€) -9 204 227 -5 868 721 -2 814 799 -958 236
Net profit (€) -7 497 148 -4 807 698 -2 420 484 -617 940
Turnover growth rate (%) - 3 242,5 - -100
Ebitda margin rate (%) - -6 409,6 -104 322,7 -
Operating margin rate (%) - -6 608,2 -105 939 -
Working Capital (turnover days) - 1 292,4 48 766 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) - -2 799,4 -38 488,2 -
Net margin (%) - -5 413,5 -91 098,4 -
Added value / Turnover (%) - -3 705,8 -70 390,8 -
Wages and social charges (€) 3 260 175 2 512 000 1 068 414 359 275
Salaries / Turnover (%) - 2 828,5 40 211,3 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du directoire Sébastien, Stéphane, Laurent, Franck PELTIER 47
Président du conseil de surveillance Laurent, Samuel, Jean LEVY 53
Membre du directoire Sébastien, Thierry, Marie BESSY 53
Membre du conseil de surveillance Jean, Albert, Abraham ZETLAOUI 69
Membre du directoire Pascal SIRVENT 45
Membre du directoire Murielle FAYAT 57
Membre du conseil de surveillance Agnes, Eliane, Pierrette THOMAS 62

Studies mentioning this company

The bioanalysis market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Eurofins
  • Carso groupe
  • Mérieux NutriSciences
  • SGS
  • Intertek
  • Bureau Veritas BV
  • Phytocontrol
  • Qualtech (IFBM Groupe)
  • Valbiotis
  • Abbott Groupe
  • Agilent Technologies
  • Beckman Coulter
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories
  • Genomic Vision
  • LFB Groupe
  • Novacyt
  • Qiagen
  • Randox Laboratories
  • Roche Diagnostics France (Roche Group)
  • Thermo Fisher Diagnostics