Turnover: 1.944 billion EUR (2017)
Country: France
- Triskalia is a heavyweight Breton cooperative with 16,000 farmer-members and 280 production sites in Brittany.
- The cooperative's activities are divided into four divisions: animal production (breeding, processing and marketing, 39%), distribution (22%), animal nutrition (21%) and plant production (18%).
- In summer 2018, the Triskalia and D'Aucy cooperatives voted to merge, effective from 2020.
- The new group hopes to achieve sales of 5 billion euros by 2023
Studies mentioning this company
The Farm Animal Feed Market - France
Other companies mentioned:
- CP Group
- 新希望集团 New Hope Group
- Cargill France
- Avril Groupe
- Terrena (Coopérative)
- Cooperl Arc Atlantique
- Eureden Group
- LDC Groupe
- Tromelin Nutrition
- Adisseo
- Olmix
- Neovia
- Serval
- Synthèse Elevage
- Duynie Feed Group (Royal Cosun Cooperativ)
- Metabolic Explorer
- Metex Nutrition Animale - Eurolysine
- Triskalia (Coopérative)
- NextAlim
- Prodia Alimentation Animale
- Vitalac Biotech
- Huddle Corp
- Bellavol (groupe Huttepain)
- Provimi France (Groupe Cargill)
- Denkavit France
- Nealia
- Nealia
- Oriade-Noviale
- Nor-Feed