Turnover: ()
Country: France
Terres des Andes started out as an associative travel agency, but became a cooperative and participative company in 2010. The agency has been awarded the ATES label, as it co-constructs its trips with local stakeholders and pays close attention to the fair remuneration of its local staff. More than 10% of the price of the trip contributes to local development in the place visited, and around 30% directly benefits local economic players.
Terres des Andes was awarded first prize for Fair Trade at the Ekilibre competition in 2013, and won the Palmes du Tourisme Durable award in 2017
may 15, 2017 - Terres des Andes in percentages -(Géo)
- Since 2011, Terres des Andes has been offering solidarity travel on a human scale
- 30% of trip revenues go to local service providers
- 10% of revenues support projects in destination countries
- 6% of revenues support the NGO Enfants des Andes
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
- ATR (Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable)
- ATES (Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire)
- Terres d’Aventure
- Chamina Voyages
- Double Sens
- Terres des Andes
- Passion Terre
- Terres Nomades
- Voyager Autrement
- FairMoove
- Cap France
- Alentour
- Nicols Yacht
- CroisiEurope
- Batorama