Turnover: 7.1 billion EUR (2021)
Country: Switzerland
SwissLife, formerly Société suisse d'Assurances générales sur la vie humaine, was founded in 1857 and was the first life insurance company to be established in Switzerland. Today, its three main markets are Switzerland, France and Germany. The Group also has an asset management arm, Swiss Life Asset Managers, which provides institutional and private investors with access to investment and asset management solutions. In Switzerland, Swiss Life is one of the largest institutional asset managers and the third-largest fund provider.
Studies mentioning this company

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- Axa groupe
- Crédit Agricole Groupe
- Swiss Life France
- Natixis Wealth Management
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- Crédit Mutuel
- Malakoff Humanis
- Yomoni
- Boursorama Banque
- Generali