Turnover: ()
Country: France
- School support company
- Study Success is an organization dedicated to scientific learning
- Study Success the French expert in scientific learning
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Domia Group (Acadomia)
- Superprof
- Clevermate
- Anacours
- OpenClassrooms
- Complétude Groupe
- Pythagore Education
- Knowunity
- EvidenceB
- Sherpas
- Octonum
- Trouvtonprof
- Study Success
- Soft Kids
- AlphaAcadémie
- Holy Owly (Albert group)
- Stewdy
- MyMentor
- KeepSchool
- ClassGap
- Domicours
- Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
- Alma Learning Group
- Profadom
- Cours Ado