Turnover: 140 million EUR (2022)
Country: Germany
- Statista is a German online portal offering statistics from institute data, market and opinion research as well as data from the business sector.
- one of the world's leading providers of business intelligence, marketing and corporate data and analysis
- 1100 employees
Studies mentioning this company
The market for surveys and market research - France
Other companies mentioned:
- Ipsos
- BVA Group
- Médiametrie
- Opinion way
- Odoxa
- Survey Monkey
- Yoope
- Kantar France
- Mintel Group
- Plimsoll Publishing
- Statista
- Gerson Lehrman Group GLG
- Factiva (Dow Jones) France
- Businesscoot
- Enerdata
- Emprixia
- Les Echos Études
- Xerfi Groupe
- Asteres
- Nielsen
- DMR (Launchmetrics Group)
- Augure Launchmetrics
- Altares Dun & Bradstreet
- MIS Groupe Creatests
- Junior Essec Conseil
- Business France
The market for surveys and market research - Germany
Other companies mentioned:
- GfK Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung
- Innofact AG
- GapFish GmbH
- Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
- Statista Q
- Nielsen
- Statista