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Country: France

SOCOPA is a French company that was founded in 1953 with the aim of shortening the circuits between breeders, slaughterhouses and distributors by working with agricultural cooperatives throughout France.

SOCOPA was able to develop artisanal know-how on an industrial scale, and became one of France's leading meat processors in the 1990s.

SOCOPA employs around 5,500 people and offers a wide range of quality products such as beef and pork, sausages, kebabs, minced beef, grilled meats, and more.


Socopa, a subsidiary of the Bigard group, is closing its slaughterhouse at Celles-sur-Belle in the Deux-Sèvres region of France 25/11/2023

  • Socopa Viandes, a subsidiary of the Bigard group, has closed, affecting over 210 employees.
  • A fire between September 20 and 21 caused extensive damage to the plant, notably to loading bays, cold rooms and electrical networks
  • The pork slaughtering and boning unit was to be closed the following year.

Studies mentioning this company

The meat market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Cooperl Arc Atlantique
  • Bigard groupe
  • Maïsadour
  • LDC Groupe
  • Bouchers Services Groupe Codéviande
  • Interbev
  • Terrena (Coopérative)
  • Charal
  • Saglam France
  • Solina
  • Socopa (Bigard Groupe)
  • Sicarev
  • Kermené (E Leclerc)
  • Guasch Viandes
  • Boucheries Nivernaises
  • Novoviande