Turnover: ()
Country: France
- The Scala Patrimoine group was created in 2014 and specializes in wealth management.
- It is broken down into 4 expert departments: Scala Patrimoine, Scala Mécénat, Scala Sport, Scala Financement.
- The company primarily addresses its services to individuals and families, but also to high-level athletes, executives, self-employed professionals, business leaders and start-ups.
- The company has received numerous awards, including the 2017 Prix de l'inniative des professions CGP.
june 14, 2019 - Scala Patrimoine offers a new life insurance contract - source(Le Figaro)
- New for 2019: Scala-Life
- Greater transparency for customers
- The contract qualifies as "100% Clean Share funds"
- Scala Patrimoine wishes to retain its independent CGP status.
Studies mentioning this company
The wealth management market - France
Other companies mentioned:
- Amundi
- HSBC Private Bank
- Société Générale Private Banking
- Natixis Wealth Management
- Milleis Banque
- Pictet
- Primonial
- Astoria Groupe
- Cyrus Conseil
- Compagnie Financière Richelieu
- Ethenea
- Cholet-Dupont
- Magnacarta
- Althos-Patrimoine
- K&P Finance
- Experts en Patrimoine
- Lonlay & Associés
- Nalo
- Yomoni
- Grisbee
- Finary
- Epsor
- Premium Groupe
- Ageas France
- BPI France
- Scala Patrimoine
- Shares
- Thesaurus
- Crystal Groupe
- Mandarine gestion
- Oaktree Capital Management
- Rothschild Martin Maurel
- Lazard Frères Gestion
- Meeschaert (LFPI Groupe)
- Abeille Assurance (Aéma groupe)
- Turenne Groupe
- Siparex
- Lucya
- Oddo BHF
- Equance
- Patrimmofi
- Cashbee
- CA Indosuez Private Banking & Wealth Management
- Palatine Banque (BPCE Groupe)
- Banque Palatine (groupe BPCE)
- LCL Crédit Lyonnais
- CIC Banque Privée
- Cheval Blanc Patrimoine
- Marie Quantier
- Franken Consulting
- Caption