Turnover: 962 million EUR (2020)

Country: France

  • PWC is an American auditing and consulting firm with 2021 sales of $45 billion
  • In France, the consulting, auditing, legal and tax expertise business employs 6,000 people
  • 14 sites in France and 3 in North Africa
  • Sales €962m (source: company)


Consulting: PwC downsizes in turn 08/11/2023

  • PwC is to launch a retirement plan involving 500 to 600 people.
  • These departures will affect up to 2.4% of the PwC group's 25,000 employees.
  • Deloitte has announced plans to cut around 800 jobs in the UK.
  • EY and KPMG have both launched voluntary redundancy programs, each affecting hundreds of employees.
  • McKinsey plans to make 2,000 people redundant.
  • PwC's attrition rate has fallen by 5 points to around 10%.
  • PwC partners received an average of 1.04 million euros in the last financial year.
  • Employees hired within the last year are not expected to be affected by the voluntary redundancy program, nor by any redundancies.

PwC's "raison d'être" is "to build trust in our company" 15/10/2017

  • The PwC network posted year-on-year gross sales of $42.4 billion (+7%)
  • Invest $3 billion over four years to enhance the skills of its 270,000 employees worldwide,
  • Management used to work on essentially internal criteria, but now they have to take external factors into account.
  • All our business lines and main markets are reporting higher revenues.
  • IN 2018, PwC set itself a global goal: to invest in the future and development of 15 million people, NGOs and micro and social enterprises to help develop their potential by 2022.

The strategy and management consulting company is expanding rapidly. 16/07/2017

  • 2-digit growth over the past 3 years
  • Big 4Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC drive the market
  • Investment in new technologies
  • The sector is already anticipating a third straight year of double-digit growth in 2019

At PwC, a split between audit and consulting is not on the agenda 21/06/2017

  • PwC is the world's second-largest audit and consulting firm

PwC is an audit and consulting giant with big ambitions. 16/06/2017

  • PwC plans to hire 100,000 additional staff over the next five years
  • a 35% increase in global headcount
  • PwC invests $12 billion

Financial Data

DUNS: 348058165

Legal Name: PWC AUDIT


Number of employees: Entre 100 et 199 salariés (2020)

Capital: 40 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 86 921 414 82 730 518 87 744 089 77 062 828 82 944 197 85 318 812 94 999 194
Gross margin (€) 88 541 006 87 578 109 88 790 914 78 722 892 93 551 877 87 252 480 97 079 927
EBITDA (€) 17 093 535 10 111 554 7 715 568 993 833 7 320 028 8 366 582 17 058 080
Operating profit (€) 16 461 637 9 688 170 7 510 549 -515 405 6 247 744 3 380 222 7 637 487
Net profit (€) 10 100 745 9 241 348 4 260 217 3 568 506 18 654 506 8 033 672 678 688
Turnover growth rate (%) 5,1 -5,7 13,9 -7,1 -2,8 -10,2 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 19,7 12,2 8,8 1,3 8,8 9,8 18
Operating margin rate (%) 18,9 11,7 8,6 -0,7 7,5 4 8
Working Capital (turnover days) 23 197,5 144,5 145,4 211,2 232,9 95,6
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 112,1 49,7 60,8 62,5 44,6 70,7 128,1
Net margin (%) 11,6 11,2 4,9 4,6 22,5 9,4 0,7
Added value / Turnover (%) 95,7 93,1 92,8 88,7 94,5 92,1 92,8
Wages and social charges (€) 44 793 559 44 222 302 47 683 146 47 956 849 50 691 473 53 150 277 58 601 606
Salaries / Turnover (%) 51,5 53,5 54,3 62,2 61,1 62,3 61,7

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil de surveillance Philippe KUBISA 56
Président Patrice MOROT 59
Vice-président du conseil de surveillance Pierre MARTY 58
Membre du conseil de surveillance Pierre MARTY 58
Membre du comité exécutif Patrice MOROT 59
Membre du conseil de surveillance Philippe KUBISA 56
Membre du comité exécutif Edouard DEMARCQ 51
Membre du comité exécutif Sophie SALOME 59
Membre du comité exécutif Philippe VOGT 58

Studies mentioning this company

The public accounting market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Deloitte France
  • EY Ernst & Young France
  • Mazars Forvis Groupe
  • Fiducial France
  • ATH Association Technique Armonisation
  • France Defi
  • Eurus
  • Fidunion (PrimeGlobal)
  • PwC Audit
  • KPMG Expertise et Conseil
  • BDO
  • Accenture
  • Baker Tilly France
  • Cabex Corporate Finance
  • In Extenso
  • ABCE Expertise Comptable
  • Ellipce
  • Keobiz
  • Indy
  • Aplitec
  • Aplitec
  • le gr
  • Diagoris
  • TGS France
  • Orcom Expertise comptable
  • Clémentine comptabilité
  • Sadec Akelys
  • Altex conseil et expertise - Apicap
  • RSM
  • Emargence
  • Cogep
  • Amarris
  • Supervizor
  • Exco Fiduciaire du Sud-Ouest
  • CSP (Lebfevre Sarrut Groupe)
The public accounting market - Spain

Other companies mentioned:

  • Deloitte France
  • KPMG Expertise et Conseil
  • PwC Audit
  • EY Parthenon France
  • Mazars Forvis Groupe
  • Grant Thornton France
  • RSM
  • Alpha Groupe
  • BDO
  • ETL global edit
  • ETL Global- European Tax and Law