Turnover: ()
Country: France
The PSD group was founded in 2017 and today brings together 4 major groups: Pharma Group Santé, G1000 Pharmacies, Nepenthès and Optipharm, bringing together over 2,000 pharmacies across France.
Cumulative annual sales amount to 3 billion euros. It also has its own brand (NEP), and an accredited training organization (Pharmacade).
Optipharm boosts Pharma Santé Développement's growth 21/01/2022
- Pharma Santé Développement (PSD) acquires Optipharm.
- The acquisition adds a further 1,200 members, mainly in western France.
- PSD doubles in size to 2,500 pharmacy customers.
- PSD now accounts for almost 10% of the French pharmacy market.
- The target's founders are stepping down, while the members remain shareholders.
- The acquisition was financed by a mix of equity and debt, with refinancing of the LBO debt.
Studies mentioning this company
Other companies mentioned:
- Giphar groupe
- Pharmactiv (OCP Group)
- Alphega Pharmacie
- Giropharm
- Leader Sante Groupe
- Tanguy Parapharmacie
- Arkopharma
- Sanofi Aventis
- Novartis
- Hygie 31- Laf Santé Lafayette
- Elsie Santé
- Pharmacorp (Hygie 31 groupe)
- Leader Price
- Pharmabest
- Sephora
- Aprium Pharmacie - Healthy Group
- OCP Répartition (Phoenix Group)
- Phoenix Pharma
- Pharmony
- Apsara
- Pharma Santé Développement
- La cooperative Welcoop
- Global Pharmacie
- Aelia
- Cofisanté
- Eurodep
- Agir Pharma
- APM Les Pharmacies de Méditérannée
- Apothéo
- Apothical
- Apothicoop
- APP Côte d'azur
- Aptiphar
- Artesipharm
- Artisan Santé
- Avenir Pharma
- Be Pharma
- Boticinal
- Bretagne Santé Référence
- Cali Pharma
- Cap unipharm
- Cercle des Pharmaciens Coopérateurs
- Coté Pharma
- Dephie
- DL santé
- DPO Groupe
- Dynamis
- Elfimaje Majelis
- Escale santé
- Evolupharm
- Farmax
- Flexi Plus Pharma
- Forum santé
- G Plus Pharma
- GFC Pharma
- Gripamel
- Groupapharm
- Happy Pharmacie
- Hello Pharmacie
- Lab Officine
- Le Gall santé Services
- Les Pharmaciens d'armor
- Magdaléon
- Maxipharma
- Mediprix
- Mutualpharm
- Nextypharm
- Normandie Pharma
- Norpharma
- Objectif Pharma
- OmnesPharma
- Optopharm
- Originsanté
- Orphie Groupement de Pharmaciens
- Orphie Provence
- Oté pharma
- Paraph
- PDA Pharma
- Pharm & Free
- Pharm Auvergne
- Pharm O Naturel
- Pharm Upp
- Pharm-Agir
- Pharma 10
- Pharma france
- Pharma Platinum
- Pharma provence Groupe
- Pharma Sud
- Pharma Synergie
- Pharmaciens du sud
- Pharmacies groupe Rocade
- Pharmacyal
- Pharmadinina
- Pharmadirect
- Pharmadn
- Pharm ici
- Pharmamarket (Antwerpia groupe)
- Pharmarem
- Pharmatomic
- Pharmavance
- Pharmavenir
- Pharmaxial
- Pharmidée
- Pharmodel
- Positive Pharma
- Quartz groupement Pharmacies
- Réseau Katalys
- Réseau P&P
- Réseau Pharma Méditerranée
- Réseau Santé
- Resofficine
- Resonor Soprophar
- Santalis
- Socopharm
- Sofiadis
- Solution Réseau d'Achat Pharm Etoile
- Sopharef
- STC Pharma
- Sunipharma
- Suprapharm
- Synaps Pharma
- Synergiphar
- Teleconsult Pharma
- Totum pharmaciens
- Union des Grandes Pharmacies
- Unipharm
- Unipharm Loire Océan
- Univers Pharmacies
- VPharma
- Ynova group