Turnover: ()
Country: France
Pascal Oustalet is an independent oculist who set up his practice in Paris in 1993.
Key facts and figures:
- writes a blog with a wealth of information on ocular prostheses: https: //prothese-oculaire.com/presentation-oculariste-pascal-oustalet.html
- campaigns against the laboratory model of prosthesis manufacture
- designs a maximum of 150 prostheses per year
Studies mentioning this company
The market for ocular prostheses - France
Other companies mentioned:
- Altuglas international France
- Dencott
- Cambrillat
- Villanova
- Prothelem
- Michel Durand sarl
- Pascal Oustalet
- Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts
- Hôpital fondation Adolphe de Rothschild