Turnover: 45.3 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

ObjetRama was founded in 2003. It specializes in mail-order sales of personalized promotional items. The company offers 12,000 references through a paper catalog and a website. Among the product categories on offer are products for trade fairs, congresses and conferences, European-made products, ecological products, products for less than a euro, advertising lots, travel advertising items, French-made products, connected objects, etc.

In 2021, ObjetRama joined forces with Pépite and Pandacola to create a new group in the promotional products sector, POP Europe.

Financial Data

DUNS: 448180588

Legal Name: POP FRANCE


Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2020)

Capital: 50 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 10 948 824 28 114 153 22 735 145 19 415 159 15 274 511 10 717 023
Gross margin (€) 4 497 808 12 040 852 9 742 708 8 403 773 6 621 362 4 658 573
EBITDA (€) 452 022 1 242 935 1 325 714 1 296 550 1 015 973 550 308
Operating profit (€) 275 464 1 096 289 1 246 447 1 258 685 917 311 452 511
Net profit (€) 518 282 704 762 794 352 640 514 631 174 328 705
Turnover growth rate (%) -58 23,7 17,1 27,1 42,5 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 4,1 4,4 5,8 6,7 6,7 5,1
Operating margin rate (%) 2,5 3,9 5,5 6,5 6 4,2
Working Capital (turnover days) 19,5 2,1 2,8 -9,5 5,2 15,5
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 45,3 2,6 3,5 -0,6 6,9 12,1
Net margin (%) 4,7 2,5 3,5 3,3 4,1 3,1
Added value / Turnover (%) 17,1 19,9 20,8 20,9 20,3 18,4
Wages and social charges (€) 1 221 036 3 877 487 3 130 368 2 449 344 1 851 273 1 257 994
Salaries / Turnover (%) 11,2 13,8 13,8 12,6 12,1 11,7

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Philippe HUFSCHMITT

Studies mentioning this company

The business gift market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Vegea Vernon Gendron
  • Cadactuel
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  • Jordenen
  • PF Concept France (Groupe Polyconcept)
  • Le Cadeau Affaire (OVDP)
  • Cadeaux d'affaires Adler
  • France Cadeaux
  • ObjetRama
  • Liberty & Co
  • La Boîte à Objets (Enesis Communication)
  • Good Act
  • Cadoétik
  • Giffits France
  • Mes Objets Publicitaires (MOP)
  • SOLO Group (SOLO Invest)
  • Wonderbox
  • Illicado (Illi&Co)
  • Concorde Proderam
  • Lagardere Marketing
  • Promoplus
  • Traffic estimate for ObjetRama website
Traffic estimates for the ObjetRama website

France - 2020-2021, visitors


  • Main keywords on which the ObjetRama website is positioned
Keyword Position Previous position Search Volume
virtual reality headset 61 46 12100
personalized soccer card 51 0 210
induction charger 24 62 9900
coaster 57 47 2900
xd 65 63 9900
ballpoint pen 87 83 2900
goodies fair 3 3 50
personalized chocolate square 7 0 70
isothermal mug 33 34 8100
cap 34 36 90500
casquette la pas cher 17 14 50
locker 67 71 2900
t shirt flocking 13 14 2900
personalized kibble 21 25 320

  • ObjetRama's main competitors
Domain Competitor Relevance Common Keywords
giftcampaign.fr 0,44 1010
mesobjetspublicitaires.com 0,42 950
pubavenue.com 0,42 971
goodiespub.fr 0,39 844
maxilia.fr 0,36 777
vegea.com 0,35 1066
cadoetik.com 0,31 621
laboiteaobjets.com 0,3 624
pandacola.com 0,21 377
j-media.fr 0,19 353
cadeauxadler.com 0,17 292
objets-publicitaires-cadeaux.com 0,17 296
objetpubdesign.com 0,16 293
genicado.com 0,15 290

  • Brand awareness
Estimated brand awareness for ObjetRama online

Google searches with and without brand


  • Examples of online advertising

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