Turnover: ()
Country: France
International network of professional photographers
Myphotoagency wants to dust off the class photo 19/04/2023
- 30%: percentage of revenue generated by photo sales donated to schools by Myphotoagency.
- 3,500: number of photographers in Myphotoagency's address book.
- 30: number of schools Myphotoagency began working with in January.
- 500: number of schools Myphotoagency aims to convert over the next two years, focusing on nursery and elementary schools in the Paris region
- the purchase rate is close to 90% for kindergartens and primary schools. It drops to around 70% in junior high schools, and then to 50% in high schools.
Studies mentioning this company
The professional photographers' market - France
Other companies mentioned:
- AP Production Paris
- Cewe
- Cameleon
- Imalliance
- Thieullent Maison
- Negatif +
- Photomaton KIS (Photo ME Group)
- Photoweb
- Talent and Partner
- Canon
- Canon
- Myphotoagency
- Getty Images
- Omi.So