Turnover: ()
Country: France
My Captain Box offers a bimonthly subscription to products related to the nautical world and sailing. Based near Toulon, the idea behind the boxes is also to share eco-friendly hardware products. Prices range from 30 euros for one box to 172 euros for six boxes.
Studies mentioning this company
The subscription box market - France
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- Seazon - FoodChéri
- Glossybox France (The Hut Box)
- My Little Paris (Au Feminin.com)
- Gourmibox
- DandyBox
- My Captain Box
- Made In France Box
- Rutabago
- Trois Fois Vin
- Genadia
- The Magic Box
- Reworld Media
- Nuoo (Haco)
- Little Cigogne
- QuiToque
- Foodette
- Les Commis
- Cook Angels
- La Boite du Fromager
- La Box Fromage
- Permacool
- My little Box
- Emma et Chloé
- Envouthé
- Touteslesbox.fr