Turnover: 27 million EUR (2023)
Country: France
Unlicensed riverboat rental company operating in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland and Germany
Owner of Nicols Yacht

Locaboat and Nomade Aventure combine river tourism with cycling and marc 26/08/2024
- - Number of destinations offered for the first season: 10
- - Number of countries covered: 5 (France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Ireland)
- -Turnkey tours combining boat and bike
- - Partners: Locaboat and Nomade Aventure (Voyageurs du Monde group)
- - Locaboat :
- Number two in France
- - Number of rental weeks marketed in France in 2023: 6,375 weeks
- - Number of passengers represented by these rentals in 2023: Approx. 35,000, of whom 30% French
- - Number of Locaboat Group employees in France: 140
- - Locaboat Group sales last year: Approx. 27 million euros
- - Acquisition of the Nicols brand in 2022, also a member of the Locaboat Group

River tourism: Locaboat takes over competitor Nicol's Yacht 15/12/2022
- With this acquisition, Locaboat generates sales of €27 million and employs around 120 people
- Locaboat has 700 boats at 43 rental bases in seven European countries
- Nicol's Yacht manages nearly 300 speedboats from 25 bases in France, posting sales of €10.5 million this year, up 12%.
- In 2018, this group took over Carrickcraft, Ireland's number one in unlicensed river boating.
- Locaboat entrusts production to Dutch shipyard Linssen
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Travelopia, Sunsail, Le Boat, The Moorings
- Moorings France (Moorings Group)
- Filovent
- Dream Yacht Charter (Beneteau Groupe)
- Bénéteau Rent (Groupe Beneteau)
- Lagoon Catamaran (Construction Navale Bordeaux)
- Globe Sailor
- Quo Vadis Plaisance
- Les Canalous
- Le Boat (Travelopia)
- Nautal
- SamBoat.fr
- Locaboat Holidays - Nicols Yacht
- Click & Boat
- Nauticoncept
- Boataround
- Voile et Vent
- Wiziboat
- Océans Evasion (Click & Boat)
- GlobeSailor
- Nicols Yacht
- Catlante Catamarans
- Hey Captain (Digital Nautic)
- Solutions Plaisance
- Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance