Turnover: 240 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

The company operates in two markets: funeral services and funeral planning.

Organized as a cooperative, the choix funéraire network is made up of 350 stores, each owner of which is autonomous, and concessionaires can become shareholders in the company after 2 years in business. The company has 700 outlets serving 26,000 communities, and organizes an average of 59,000 funeral ceremonies a year.

Le Choix Funéraire and its director Philippe Martineau aim to stand out from the large groups that have gradually built up a monopoly on funeral activities: le Choix Funéraire claims to be a "cooperative network of family businesses", independent of the financial stakes and on a human scale.

The cooperative has positioned itself on the funeral insurance market, as well as on a low-cost "EcoPlus" offer, with rates 50% lower than industry averages.

2400 employees

Financial Data

DUNS: 384721619



Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2021)

Capital: 1 794 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 35 316 563 33 614 819 34 379 842 32 480 401 30 630 090 30 216 084 27 958 214 25 177 946
Gross margin (€) 28 912 554 26 546 625 27 269 921 25 192 165 23 793 222 23 154 409 20 945 549 19 545 827
EBITDA (€) 863 039 -147 099 474 390 -269 866 151 605 554 193 292 733 469 002
Operating profit (€) 402 035 -503 096 423 461 -392 313 344 808 471 709 539 668 176 895
Net profit (€) 177 135 -195 192 217 740 158 429 18 136 406 870 76 518 378 261
Turnover growth rate (%) 5,1 -2,2 5,8 6 1,4 8,1 11 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 2,4 -0,4 1,4 -0,8 0,5 1,8 1 1,9
Operating margin rate (%) 1,1 -1,5 1,2 -1,2 1,1 1,6 1,9 0,7
Working Capital (turnover days) 21,3 38,6 30,5 19 9,5 18,3 18,8 18,6
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 31,5 39,4 32,6 17,5 7,1 16,7 15,1 12,8
Net margin (%) 0,5 -0,6 0,6 0,5 0,1 1,3 0,3 1,5
Added value / Turnover (%) 14,5 11,2 12,8 11,2 12,1 11,1 10,7 12
Wages and social charges (€) 4 114 534 3 841 885 3 818 345 3 815 885 3 437 801 2 720 821 2 668 260 2 508 217
Salaries / Turnover (%) 11,7 11,4 11,1 11,7 11,2 9 9,5 10

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Christophe, Albert, Fernand Nail 53
Directeur général Julien Le Coustumer 38
Administrateur Arnaud Carbonnier 33
Administrateur Christophe Detrille 55
Administrateur Olivier Gerard 39
Administrateur Philippe Labeguerie 55
Administrateur Bernard Laborde 61
Administrateur Sophie Laborde 39
Administrateur Herve Leylavergne 58
Administrateur Omar Mbaye 59
Administrateur Thierry Morice 66

Studies mentioning this company

The funeral market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • OGF
  • Funécap groupe
  • Pompes Funèbres Pascal Leclerc (Funecap)
  • Roc Eclerc
  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Sérenium (OGF)
  • Services Funéraires Ville de Paris
  • Lassurance.obsèques.fr
  • Rebillon (Funecap)
  • En sa mémoire
  • La Maison des Obsèques (vyv Groupe)
  • Sorenir
  • Comitam
  • Simplifia
  • Seiven
  • Prestige Granit
The funeral market - Belgium

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  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Roc Eclerc
  • DELA
  • Alveus Scrl
  • Sereni
  • Budget Funerals
  • Funeral Manager
  • DVV Assurances
The mourning flower market - France

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  • DEXX
  • France Fleurs
  • Emova Groupe - Monceau Fleur
  • Florajet
  • Interflora France
  • Aquarelle Fleurs
  • Flora Nova
  • Funécap groupe
  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Sérenium (OGF)