Turnover: 87.46 million EUR (2019)

Country: France

Created in 2005, the label controlled by Univers Poche targets an audience aged 7 to 35, with a diverse offering that includes shônen, seinen and shôjo. The house gained visibility with the publication of One-Punch Man in 2016, the result of the collaboration of two mangakas, which was a great success among its target audience.

In 2017, Kurokawa realized that its 9.4% market share was hanging by a thread. Indeed, One-Punch Man is pulling sales upwards, with 450,000 copies sold during the year. The publication of Mob Psycho 100, written and drawn by the same two mangakas, was not as successful as expected and remains in the shadow of its big brother, with only 20,000 copies sold. The future of the label is therefore uncertain, given that the publication of One-Punch Man depends on the publications of mangaka One, who has not produced anything for the license for several years.

Financial Data

DUNS: 622046621


Address: 92 AV DE FRANCE , 75013 PARIS 13

Number of employees: 84 (2018)

Capital: 2 037 225

Financial Data:

Year Turnover (€) Net Profit (€) Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year Duration
2019 87 460 665 EUR 9 396 262 EUR 31/12/2019 12
2018 86 800 099 EUR 11 107 690 EUR 31/12/2018 12
2017 88 877 990 EUR 12 116 466 EUR 31/12/2017 12
2015 91 017 343 EUR 12 121 175 EUR 31/12/2015 12

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Marie-Christine CONCHON 59

Studies mentioning this company

The manga market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Shûeisha
  • Pika Édition
  • Kana Editions (Dargaud Media Participations)
  • Kurokawa Univers Poche (Editis)
  • Kazé Crunchyroll
  • Ototo Euphor
  • Delcourt Groupe - Soleil Manga
  • Nobi Nobi Pika Editions
  • KiOon
  • Komikku Éditions
  • Delsol Diffusion
  • Interforum (Editis Groupe)
  • Scantrad
  • Jaimini’s Box
  • Media Participations
  • Bamboo Edition
  • Mangas.io
  • Sony Music Entertainment France
  • Shin Sekai
  • Makassar