Turnover: 1.932 billion USD (2020)

Country: United States

Founded in 1969, the U.S.-based Korn Ferry Group is the leading provider of executive search support in the United States through a direct approach.

In September 2015, Korn Ferry acquired the Hay Group for nearly 407 million. Through this acquisition, the group acquired one of the largest human resources databases in the world. Korn Ferry primarily serves industry (29.9 percent of sales), followed by consumer goods, healthcare, financial services, technology, and education (in the U.S. only).

Korn Ferry structures its operations into three divisions:

- Hay Group (46.2% of sales): HR consulting

- Executive Search (39.5%): executive search support

- Futurestep (14.3%): outsourcing of middle management recruitment processes

4 of the group's 108 subsidiaries are located in France, where the group's three divisions are based.

Financial Data

DUNS: 672031739

Legal Name: KORN FERRY (FR)


Number of employees: Entre 100 et 199 salariés (2021)

Capital: 5 236 722 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Turnover 73 523 096 67 854 978 46 906 244 57 639 397 20 599 122 21 147 123 10 653 776 20 124 791 18 441 731 17 748 964
Gross margin (€) 81 672 207 75 002 907 49 688 265 59 569 993 21 597 983 22 011 927 11 085 097 20 631 754 19 293 773 18 206 706
EBITDA (€) 2 066 764 596 717 -3 611 317 -2 185 594 167 646 2 140 168 281 352 -809 726 -2 428 594 -1 148 800
Operating profit (€) 6 755 358 6 152 491 -4 569 981 -2 333 689 390 123 1 138 369 260 789 -1 635 677 -1 921 074 -2 178 465
Net profit (€) 6 527 908 4 763 850 -4 535 780 -2 246 701 279 145 807 377 158 765 -1 693 150 -2 014 644 -2 186 286
Turnover growth rate (%) 8,4 44,7 -18,6 179,8 -2,6 98,5 -47,1 9,1 3,9 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 2,8 0,9 -7,7 -3,8 0,8 10,1 2,6 -4 -13,2 -6,5
Operating margin rate (%) 9,2 9,1 -9,7 -4 1,9 5,4 2,4 -8,1 -10,4 -12,3
Working Capital (turnover days) -37,9 -27,8 -41,4 -32,6 -21,2 -10,8 -145,4 -37,6 -8,1 44,1
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 53,6 84,1 78,8 76,2 78,3 88,9 231,9 128,5 107,6 92,5
Net margin (%) 8,9 7 -9,7 -3,9 1,4 3,8 1,5 -8,4 -10,9 -12,3
Added value / Turnover (%) 66,9 66,8 64 63,4 61,9 63,3 67,9 58,4 52,9 55,5
Wages and social charges (€) 46 346 534 41 496 995 32 495 204 37 121 469 11 914 249 10 863 090 6 603 510 11 928 284 11 682 483 10 488 800
Salaries / Turnover (%) 63 61,2 69,3 64,4 57,8 51,4 62 59,3 63,3 59,1

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Gérant Anthony, Christopher Goodes 43
Gérant Caroline, Suzanne Mcaloney 49