Turnover: 13307 million (2022)

Country: France

Groupama is an insurance, banking and financial services group comprising the Caisses Régionales and subsidiaries consolidated in Groupama Assurances Mutuelles. Groupama generates 84% of its sales in France, and is the 6th largest general insurer in the country.


Groupama: François Schmitt succeeds Jean-Yves Dagès at the head of the insurer 13/06/2023

  • The group employs 31,000 people.
  • Groupama net profit in 2022: 454 million euros
  • Groupama sales in 2022: 15.9 billion euros, up 4.3% on 2021.

Studies mentioning this company

The automobile insurance market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Axa groupe
  • Acheel
  • Flitter
  • Lyanne
  • Covea
  • Groupama (France)
  • Aesio Mutuelle (Aéma groupe)
  • Allianz
  • Maif France
  • CNP Assurances (La Poste)
  • Assurances du Crédit Mutuel
  • Crédit Agricole Assurances
  • Leocare
  • Direct Assurance
  • Adenes Groupe