Turnover: 178 million EUR (2021)

Country: France

  • Listed technology group specializing in systems, drones and engineering
  • Group to sell engineering division to founding Gorgé family by 2022


The Gorgé family group relies on nuclear power to heat cities 13/05/2023

  • Groupe Gorgé sales: 500 million euros
  • Number of Groupe Gorgé employees: 3,400
  • Number of households that could be heated by the SMR, a small, low-power modular reactor, developed by Calogena, the company set up to develop the project, 12,000 households
  • Equivalent electrical power of Calogena's SMR: 10 MW
  • an EPR has an installed capacity of 1,600 MW, i.e. 160 times greater than Calogena's SMR
  • Calogena's objective: to have its first reactor operational by 2030

Groupe Gorgé sells its Engineering & Protection Systems division to the Gorgé family 07/11/2022

  • Groupe Coté Gorgé sells its Engineering & Protection Systems division to its main shareholder, the Gorgé family, for €27 million, 8x estimated Ebitda 2023
  • Simplification of its portfolio

Groupe Gorgé completes acquisition of technology nugget iXblue 29/09/2022

industrial group specialized in high-tech businesses

  • Acquisition of iXblue for an enterprise value of 410 million euros
  • Merger of Groupe Gorgé subsidiary ECA Group and iXblue creates a new player in the defense industrial and technological base (DITB)
  • 1,500 employees, revenues generated in over 80 countries
  • autonomous maritime robotic systems (underwater mine countermeasures)
  • inertial navigation solutions and products and equipment for the aerospace, photonics and quantum industries.

Financial Data

DUNS: 348541186


Address: 30 RUE DE GRAMONT , 75002 PARIS 2

Number of employees: 0 salarié (2022)

Capital: 17 424 747 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 3 161 399 5 602 000 3 914 000 3 467 444 3 290 000 3 458 396 3 731 165
Gross margin (€) 4 890 713 5 655 000 3 914 000 3 467 459 3 290 000 3 458 398 -
EBITDA (€) -2 908 152 -349 000 -1 001 000 423 763 -235 000 -170 059 -
Operating profit (€) -3 307 755 -1 052 000 -1 108 000 332 810 -321 000 -248 818 -
Net profit (€) 47 917 325 14 239 000 2 320 000 338 116 20 080 000 5 181 090 9 388 143
Turnover growth rate (%) -43,6 43,1 12,9 5,4 -4,9 -7,3 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -92 -6,2 -25,6 12,2 -7,1 -4,9 -
Operating margin rate (%) -104,6 -18,8 -28,3 9,6 -9,8 -7,2 -
Working Capital (turnover days) 5 858,4 1 895,3 1 606,3 2 805,2 1 974,4 1 987,3 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 163,6 64,9 106,2 490,9 593,7 354,2 -
Net margin (%) 1 515,7 254,2 59,3 9,8 610,3 149,8 -
Added value / Turnover (%) -25 44,9 20,6 50,8 37,5 34 -
Wages and social charges (€) 1 949 582 2 572 000 1 705 000 1 190 073 1 344 000 1 212 955 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 61,7 45,9 43,6 34,3 40,9 35,1 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration,Directeur général Raphaël Gorgé 53
Directeur général délégué Hélène Babinet 50
Administrateur Jean-Pierre Gorgé 82
Administrateur Sylvie Lucot 76
Administrateur Catherine Benon 53
Administrateur Céline Leroy 51
Administrateur Hervé Guillou 70
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Jean-Christophe Georghiou 59