Turnover: 15 million EUR (2022)
Country: France
Eco-friendly online tourism agency

Responsible tourism: FairMoove aims for top spot 20/09/2023
- FairMoove plans to acquire Betterfly Tourism and Double Sens for a total of 5.6 million euros.
- Double Sens currently generates sales of 2 million euros, but is expected to generate 30 million euros over the next few years
- . FairMoove expects to be profitable as early as next year.
- FairMoove is targeting sales of 15 million euros.

Responsible tourism website FairMoove opens its capital to the public. 25/05/2022
- Launch in August 2021 of the responsible tourism website FairMoove.
- Founders bring together professional investors.
- Sales forecast of 100 million euros in 2026.
- Expected to break even in 2024.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
- ATR (Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable)
- ATES (Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire)
- Terres d’Aventure
- Chamina Voyages
- Double Sens
- Terres des Andes
- Passion Terre
- Terres Nomades
- Voyager Autrement
- FairMoove
- Cap France
- Alentour
- Nicols Yacht
- CroisiEurope
- Batorama