Turnover: 8.1 million EUR (2021)
Country: Italy
The Coop. Difesa Produttori Agricoli Italiani soc.coop.agr. for short CO.P.A.I. was established in 2006 with headquarters in Lavello (PZ), among producers who own farms residing in the Basilicata Region. It aims to contribute to the improvement of the economic, professional and cultural conditions of its members, and since 2016 has been extending this activity to other regions of Italy.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Magnolia
- Consorzio Maiscoltori Cerealicoltori Del Basso Livenza Srl
- Tenute del Cerro S.p.a.
- Coop. Difesa Produttori Agricoli Italiani
- Limagrain Italia Spa
- Riseria La Pila
- Azienda Agricola Riserva San Massimo S.R.L.
- Molino Casillo
- Riso Scotti