Turnover: 72.5 million EUR (2023)
Country: France
Audencia, formerly ESC Nantes, is Nantes' business school, founded in 1900. It has a campus in China and triple accreditation. Its distinctive feature is its partnership with Centrale Nantes since 2014. It offers a full range of courses from Bachelor's to specialized Master's degrees. Since 2018, it has had the status of a consular higher education establishment (EESC).
6,000 students, 32,000 graduates
More than 160 permanent teaching staff

Audencia aims to almost double in size by 2025 15/02/2021
- By 2025,Audenciaplans to increase its budget from €55 million in 2020 to €100 million, welcome 10,000 students (compared with 6,500 today) and employ 600 people. Currently, 380 people work at the school..
- The idea for Audencia is to create a new school, Gaïa, offering programs around the ecological and social transition.
- Gaïa will house the school's second incubator to accelerate entrepreneurial projects around this theme.
- In 2021, Audencia will have a budget of €65 million, 80% of which will be financed by tuition fees. These amount to €7,000 per year for bachelors and almost €15,000 for the "grandes écoles" course.
- The aim is to increase our budget to €100 million by integrating new students and therefore new tuition fees.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- HEC Paris
- ESCP Europe
- EM Lyon
- EDHEC Business School
- Grenoble Ecole de Management
- Audencia
- SKEMA Business School
- Kedge Business School
- NEOMA Business School
- Rennes School of Business
- Montpellier Business School
- Iéseg
- Galileo Global Éducation System
- EM Normandie
- ESCE (Omnes education)
- ESC Pau
- EM Strasbourg
- Omnes Education- Inseec
- Ionis education
- TBS Education - Toulouse Business School
- Eduservices Groupe
- Excelia group
- Oxytalis
- ESC Clermont (Ecole de Commerce ce Clermont)