Turnover: ()
Country: France
Accounting firm

Gard-based accounting firm Altex acquires Apicap 23/01/2024
- financial group Altex has acquired Paris-based Apicap at the end of 2023 for 3 million euros.
- Apicap employs 20 people and manages 400 million euros in assets.
- The Altex group comprises around ten accounting firms, employing 150 professionals.
- Altex has made three acquisitions of firms in the Paris region over the past three years, and a fourth is currently under negotiation.
- The group also holds stakes in around ten regional SMEs.
- Altex, founded ten years ago, achieved sales of €66 million in 2023, up 30% year-on-year
Studies mentioning this company

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- Deloitte France
- EY Ernst & Young France
- Mazars Forvis Groupe
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- ATH Association Technique Armonisation
- France Defi
- Eurus
- Fidunion (PrimeGlobal)
- PwC Audit
- KPMG Expertise et Conseil
- Accenture
- Baker Tilly France
- Cabex Corporate Finance
- In Extenso
- ABCE Expertise Comptable
- Ellipce
- Keobiz
- Indy
- Aplitec
- Aplitec
- le gr
- Diagoris
- TGS France
- Orcom Expertise comptable
- Clémentine comptabilité
- Sadec Akelys
- Altex conseil et expertise - Apicap
- Emargence
- Cogep
- Amarris
- Supervizor
- Exco Fiduciaire du Sud-Ouest
- CSP (Lebfevre Sarrut Groupe)